ENG 101 -- Academic Writing & Research
Course Syllabus

101-002                                    101-013                                    
8:05-8:55 a.m.                            9:10-10:00 a.m.                           
Tompkins 110                            110 1911 Building

Instructor:  Lisa Andres                                   Office Location: Tompkins 111                               

Email Address:
[email protected]

Course Website: http://ldandres.weebly.com

Office Hours: MTRF, 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Other times by appointment.

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Course Description:
Intensive instruction in academic writing and research. Basic principles of rhetoric and strategies for academic inquiry and argument. Instruction and practice in critical reading, including the generative and responsible use of print and electronic sources for academic research. Exploration of literate practices across a range of academic domains, laying the foundation for further writing development in college. Continued attention to grammar and conventions of standard written English. Most sections meet in computer classrooms. Successful completion of ENG 101 requires a grade of C- or better. This course satisfies the introduction to writing requirement of the General Education Program.

A grade of C- or better in ENG 100 or placement via English department guidelines.

General Education Program: Introduction to Writing
This course fulfills the general education requirement for the introduction to writing component.

The required course in this category will provide instruction and guidance that help students to:
(1) Write effectively in specific situations, which may include various academic, professional, or civic situations, and

(2) Understand and respond appropriately to the critical elements that shape written communication situations, such audience, purpose, and genre, and
(3) Demonstrate critical and evaluative thinking skills in locating, analyzing, synthesizing, and using information in written communication.

For more information, please see the GEP website at:
ENG 101 Learning Objectives:
In keeping with these general goals, ENG 101 is specifically designed to help students
   1. Learn basic principles of rhetoric and develop an understanding of written texts as arguments generated for particular purposes, audiences, and rhetorical contexts.
   2. Examine similarities and differences in forms of inquiry and writing across academic disciplines.
   3. Practice analytical reading strategies and hone the ability to summarize, paraphrase, draw evidence from, synthesize, and respond to the scholarship of others.
   4. Learn to find and evaluate print and electronic source materials appropriate for academic research projects.
   5. Learn to develop original arguments for a range of academic purposes.

   6. Practice critically evaluating their own and others’ work and collaborating effectively with other writers throughout the writing process.
   7. Practice and refine technical skills in areas such as grammar, mechanics, and the documentation of source materials.


Texts & Materials:

Bullock, Richard (ed). The Norton Field Guide to Writing. 2nd ed. Norton, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-393-93438-0.
Graff, Gerald & Cathy Birkenstein (eds). They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. 2nd ed.
     Norton, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-393-93361-1.
--Single-Subject Notebook (for ENG 101 ONLY.)

--Various materials on electronic and/or print reserve
--A WolfCopy account for printing in-class (Please see: http://print.ncsu.edu/buyquota.php)


--Electronic Storage Device (a USB/jump drive is highly recommended)

Course Organization
I. Introduction to Rhetoric
II. Writing in the Humanities: Rhetorical Analysis of Film trailer
III. Writing in the Social Sciences: Ethnographic Observation
IV. Writing in the Natural Sciences: Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review

Course Requirements & Major Projects:
Coursework includes regular class attendance and participation, daily reading and writing assignments, and the five major written projects listed above. All major projects must be completed to pass the course. Final grades will be calculated as follows:

Participation (Journal, reading quizzes, in-class writing, participation): 10%

Project I: Summary & Response: 10%
   --Final Draft Due: Tuesday, February 1st 2011
Project II: Rhetorical Analysis of Film Trailer: 20%
   --Final Draft Due: Friday, February 25th 2011
Project III: Ethnographic Observation/Field Study: 20%
   --Final Draft Due:
Friday, April 1st 2011
Project IVa: Annotated Bibliography: 15%
   --Final Draft Due: Monday, April 18th 2011
Project IVb: Literature Review: 20%
   --Final Draft Due: Friday April 29th 2011
Final Exam: 5%
   --Wednesday, May 11th 2011 (non-negotiable; attendance mandatory)

Ø  Major writing projects will require a cover letter, rough draft, and a works cited page.
Ø  All major writing projects require a peer review. Failure to complete peer review will result in deduction of one letter grade.
Ø  Turning in any of the major assignments late will result in a 1 letter grade deduction per day.

Class Rules, Promises, and Procedures:
Ø  Come to class on time. (See policies on tardiness & absences for more information.)
Ø  Do not cheat or plagiarize – in other words, do your own work. (See policy on plagiarism for more information.)
Ø  Treat your classmates with respect.
Ø  Cell phones and MP3 devices must be turned off and put away. No exceptions.
Ø  Class begins and ends when the instructor says so. (In other words, packing up will not cause me to end class.)
Ø  Computers are for educational purposes only during class hours; frivolous personal use will not be tolerated. (See policy on the computer classroom for more information.)

Ø  Your classroom will be a tolerant place.
Ø  I will treat you with respect.
Ø  Consequences for violating course policies will be fair and justified.

Routines & Procedures:
Ø  Homework will be completed in your ENG 101 notebook and checked for completion at the end of the unit, unless otherwise noted. Failure to do homework WILL be noted and WILL significantly impact your grade.

Ø  All papers must be stapled and properly formatted.
Ø  Bring your journal and textbook to class every day.

Criteria For Evaluation:
In grading your major assignments, I, like other ENG 101 instructors, will look for a purposeful response to the audience and situation, a clear and logical argument, thoughtful use of textual evidence, and effective use of appropriate formal and stylistic conventions. See http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/fwp/standards2.html for further description of the First-Year Writing Program’s criteria for evaluating writing.

Grades in this course will be given on a plus/minus scale. Below are the general requirements for each letter grade – plus/minus grades reflect relative strength or weakness within these divisions.

A: Excellent work. Fulfills and goes beyond all criteria for the assignment. Contains minimal errors.
B: Strong work. Fulfills almost all criteria, showing weakness in only one or two main criteria. May contain noticeable errors.
C: Acceptable work. Fulfills most major criteria, though some may be weak, and no more than one may be missing entirely. May contain persistent errors.
D: Weak work. Fulfills some major criteria. Demonstrates weakness in several major criteria and may be missing one or more entirely. May contain persistent errors.
F: Unacceptable work. Fails to meet the primary goals and criteria of the assignment.

Please see the late-paper policy for further clarification of letter-grade deductions.
Also, please be aware that a paper which does not meet the minimum length requirement can receive a grade no higher than a "C." The length requirement exists to ensure that you successfully meet the minimum criteria of the assignment.
If a student does not participate in a peer-review session (if the student is absent due to illness or does not come to class prepared and is asked to leave) and does not make up the assignment by taking the assignment to the Writing Center, then that essay will receive a one-letter-grade deduction.

Participation:  Participation is crucial in this class because we will rely on one another for feedback on our writing and thinking processes.  Ideally, you will learn as much (or more) from each other as you will from me.  Participation accounts for 10% of your final grade.  Class participation means more than how much you say in class; it’s your effort to be present in our discussions.  Your homework, in-class writing assignments,  and quizzes will also be included in your participation grade.  Your grade will reflect your attendance, preparation, and the quality of your contributions to our class work.  Accordingly, participation grades will be awarded as follows:

In order to earn an average participation grade (in the C range), you must fulfill four basic requirements:
1)  Arrive on time.
2)  Be ready to discuss readings when called on.
3)  Be prepared with the book or reading in class.
4)  Listen respectfully.
To earn a B, you must consistently fulfill requirements 1-4, and:
1)  Volunteer questions or points of interest from readings to generate discussion.
2)  Willingly offer ideas in class; make sure your contributions are topical and thoughtful.
To earn an A, you must consistently fulfill the above 6 criteria and:
1)  Show leadership in class discussion (break uncomfortable silences; respond to open-ended questions; challenge received opinion; ask difficult questions).
2)  Respond to other students’ ideas (not just mine) by asking questions or building on their points.

You will receive a failing participation grade if you are excessively and/or frequently: 1) tardy; 2)  unprepared for class; 3) disruptive during class; or 4) occupied with activities other than those related to English 101 (this includes instant messaging, game playing, net surfing, etc. in the computer classroom).  Your cell phone should be neither visible nor audible at any time when you are in the classroom. (Note: The vibrate-setting is still audible.)

Course Policies:
Ø  Policy on Attendance and Late Assignments
Because of the collaborative and cooperative nature of the first-year writing courses, class attendance is crucial.  In English 101, students who miss 9 or more 50-minute classes, or 5 or more 100-minute classes, will earn a grade of F.  That is, more than two weeks’ worth of absences will result in failure to meet this element of the General Education Requirement, and you will need to repeat the course.

This policy does not distinguish between "excused" and "unexcused" absences, even in the case of emergencies.  All absences will count toward the total number, and this policy obtains from the moment you are registered in the course. As is the case for all courses, students experiencing extended medical or family emergencies during the semester should consult with the instructor about seeking a medical drop.

The first two weeks of absences will be treated as excused absences, and you will be allowed to make up all course work missed. Instructors will establish make-up assignments, standards for evaluation of such assignments, and a reasonable period after the absence within which they must be turned in.  If you fail to turn in make-up assignments or if the make-up assignments are of insufficient quality, your grades will be penalized.  Because this policy includes all types of absences, those defined by the university as excused do not have to be cleared with the instructor beforehand.

No matter what the cause of the absences, as a student you are responsible for finding out what material was covered, getting notes, being prepared for class on the day you return, and turning in subsequent assignments on time. Since due dates for major assignments are established at the beginning of the semester, and since these projects are developed over a series of class periods, students are advised that submitting these projects late will result in a penalty of 1 letter grade for each day past the due date (not each class period).
Keep in mind that ALL major projects must be submitted in order to pass the course, even if the paper is so late it earns a failing grade. Please note that papers turned in later than 1 week after the due date, without an extension granted, will not be accepted.

Ø  Policy on Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is defined as copying the language, phrasing, structure, or specific ideas of others and presenting any of these as one’s own original work; it includes buying papers, having someone else write your papers, and improper citation and use of sources. When you present the words or ideas of another (either published or unpublished) in your writing, you must fully acknowledge your sources. Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity whenever it occurs in written work, including drafts and homework, as well as for formal and final papers.

The NCSU Policies, Regulations, and Rules on Student Discipline
(http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/student_services/student_discipline/REG11.35.2.php) set the standards for academic integrity at this university and in this course. Students are expected to adhere to these standards. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will be handled through the university’s judicial system and may result in failure for the project or for the course. See the Office of Student Conduct website for additional information about academic integrity: http://www.ncsu.edu/student_affairs/osc/AIpage/acaintegrity.html.

 Ø  Policy on Computer Classroom
As we are in the computer classroom for all class meetings:

1.    Food and drink are not allowed in the computer classroom.
2.    Computers are for educational use only (please refrain from personal e-mailing, instant messaging, game-playing, idle websurfing, etc.). During sessions of Internet researching, you are to visit only those sites required by the particular assignment. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the day’s participation grade.

3.    You are not to alter the set up of the computers in any way (hardware or software).
4.    Printing in the computer classroom is by instructor permission only. You are not to print any materials in class unless I request that you do so. Do not come to class expecting to print papers or other assignments that are due; you will not receive permission to do so—and any such work will be counted late (see also Late Paper Policy, below).
5.    Log off and shut down your computer at the end of each class.

 Ø  Policy on Tardiness
Habitual tardiness (more than 5 minutes after I call roll) will negatively affect your participation grade. However, severe tardiness (more than twenty minutes late) will count as an absence, as you will have missed a substantial portion of the instruction and activities for the day. Although I understand that late arrival is occasionally unavoidable, I consider habitual lateness disrespectful to me and to the other members of the class. 

Ø  Policy on Late Papers
Late papers create problems for everyone.  Because we will do peer reviews of rough drafts, it is imperative that you bring a complete draft to class on the designated peer review days.  (Yes, drafts must be word-processed.)  Final drafts, of course, should be turned in at theend of class on the day they are due. You should have your papers ready for submission the moment you arrive; they should be placed on the instructor’s desk as soon as you enter the classroom.  Please note that computer catastrophes, disk malfunctions, and printer issues are not acceptable reasons for late submission of work. Think proactively and have in place contingency plans in the event of such technology problems.

A late (or incomplete) first draft will incur a penalty of 1 letter grade per day on the final grade for that paper.  If you know in advance that you will be absent on the day written work is due, submit that work early (this holds true for initial, as well as for final, drafts). Remember, you must submit a final, completed draft for each of the five major project assignments—even if the project is so late that it will earn an F; failure to do so will result in an automatic F in the course.
Please note that papers turned in later than 7 days after the due date, without an extension granted, will not be accepted.

Ø  Formatting Standards for Homework & Projects:
Unless the homework assignment is one to be completed in your journal, all written homework and all paper drafts submitted for in-class review or for a grade must be word-processed.  In general, please observe the following manuscript conventions when preparing materials for submission; note, though, that for some assignments, we will vary this format:

1.    Double space below the identifying information (name, date, etc.) and center the title of your paper.  Your title should not be underlined, italicized, set in bold, placed in quotation marks, or printed in all caps.  Double space after the title and begin your text.
2.    Using your word processor’s header function, put your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of all pages after the first.
3.    Double space your text and any bibliographic lists.
4.    Maintain 1-inch margins all around (left, right, top, bottom).  Be sure to check your word processor’s default settings for page set-up to confirm that they are set for 1-inch (and not 1.25-inch) margins.
5.    Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
6.    Staple the pages in the upper left-hand corner.

7.    Do not enlarge the periods. It shows.

Campus Resources:
(1) First Year Writing Requirement
For additional information about the First-Year Writing Requirement, see the program’s website at:

(2) Writing and Speaking Tutorial Services
For help with any writing assignment, for any course, visit one of the free walk-in centers on campus. Writing Tutors are available through the University Tutorial Center in Leazar Hall, and in other locations on campus. For hours and further information, see:

(3) LOBO
The Library Online Basic Orientation tutorial can be found through D.H. Hill Library’s instruction page:

(4) Ask a librarian
Visit http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/libref/to learn how to reach the Reference Staff and D. H. Hill Library.

(5) Disability Service for Students
Reasonable accomodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accomodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653, or:

(6) Computing@NCSate
Information about email accounts, printing, using electronic reserves, and other campus computing matters can be found at: