Assignment Sheet
Project IVA Annotated Bibliography

Length & Formatting: 3-4 pages (single-spaced)

Grading Weight: 15% of final grade

Citation Style: APA

Due Dates:
Final Draft: Monday, April 18th 2011

General Direction & Purpose: An annotated bibliography is a descriptive and evaluative list of citations for your research sources for a given project. These can include books as well as journal, magazine, or newspaper articles and websites. Each citation (correctly documented according to the appropriate guidelines!) is followed by the annotation, a brief paragraph which contains information on the content, relevancy, and accuracy of the source.

For this project, your annotated bibliography will be both descriptive and evaluative. Your annotation for each source should include, for example, information such as the following: who is the author and what is his/her background? What is the author’s thesis and what main points does he/she use to prove this thesis? When was the source written? Is the information current, or out-of-date? How does this source compare with other similar ones you have found? Does it point you in any new research directions? We will be going over these questions (and others) in more detail in class, building off of what we have already discussed, so you should be considering these ideas while reading your research.

Your professor, yourself (an annotated bibliography is useful for reference purposes if you forget which article contains which information), and others interested in your topic (your annotations provide them with indicators of how helpful a particular source would be to them).

Organization Criteria: You will create a bibliography containing the information for 7 of your sources. You must annotate -- write a 200-250 word paragraph -- for all of these sources. You will organize the bibliography alphabetically by author's last name.

Evaluation: I will be evaluating this project on the accuracy of your citations, but I will also be focusing on your annotations. Are they informative? Is your summary concise and effective? Do you reflect on your sources, or do you just randomly string together ideas?

Options/Topics: Your annotated bibliography topic must be on the same topic on which you will be doing your literature review. Composing and compiling an annotated bibliography at the start of the project will help ensure that you have done quality preliminary research, will lay the foundation for your future research, and will help you immensely during the writing of your literature review.